ARISE Sangha offers our first Webinar

Sunday, November 178am Pacific/11am Eastern

What Does It Mean to Awaken Through Race, Intersectionality, and Social Equity?

ARISE is excited to be hosting our first 90-minute online webinar. We invite you to join us as we explore how we awaken through race, intersectionality and social equity. A panel of our core members will share personal stories of looking at these issues through the lens of dharma. Looking deeply within ourselves, we explore the many aspects that are within us. The dharma is a jewel that teaches us to bring awareness with discernment. We hope this will be the beginning of a coming together of our individual and collective healing.To watch a replay of the webinar, please use this link.To the the resources mentioned in the webinar, please see this page.We offer this webinar with a deep gratitude to our teacher Thây and our community. We look forward to connecting with you.With a lotus and a smile,ARISE Sangha


As always, we provide this webinar as a free service to our community. If you would like to support our work, please consider contributing dana to support our work at the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation. Click on the Donate button on the top right. In the Gift Designation box, select "Where it's needed most." Then in the Gift Designation Notes, type “ARISE Webinar.


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Webinar Resources


OI Members Partake in Immigration Demonstration